How To Find Fulfilling Work
Excerpts from Roman Krznaric's - How To Find Fulfilling Work (Paperback) courtesy of
The desire
for fulfilling work – a job that provides a deep sense of purpose, and reflects
our values, passions and personality – is a modern invention. … For centuries,
most inhabitants of the Western world were too busy struggling to meet their
subsistence needs to worry about whether they had an exciting career that used
their talents and nurtured their wellbeing. But today, the spread of material
prosperity has freed our minds to expect much more from the adventure of life.
We have
entered a new age of fulfillment, in which the great dream is to trade up from
money to meaning.
Never have so many people felt so unfulfilled in their career roles, and
been so unsure what to do about it. Most surveys in the West reveal that at
least half the workforce are unhappy in their jobs. One cross-European study
showed that 60 per cent of workers would choose a different career if they
could start again. In the United States, job satisfaction is at its lowest
level – 45 per cent – since record-keeping began over two decades ago.
There are two broad ways of thinking about these
questions. The first is the 'grin and bear it' approach. This is the view that
we should get our expectations under control and recognize that work, for the
vast majority of humanity – including ourselves – is mostly drudgery and always
will be. Forget the heady dream of fulfillment and remember Mark Twain's maxim.
"Work is a necessary evil to be avoided." ... The history is captured
in the word itself. The Latin labor means drudgery or toil, while the
French travail derives from the tripalium, an ancient Roman instrument
of torture made of three sticks. … The message of the 'grin and bear it' school
of thought is that we need to accept the inevitable and put up with whatever
job we can get, as long as it meets our financial needs and leaves us enough
time to pursue our 'real life' outside office hours. The best way to protect
ourselves from all the optimistic pundits pedaling fulfillment is to develop a
hardy philosophy of acceptance, even resignation, and not set our hearts on
finding a meaningful career.
I am more hopeful than this, and subscribe to a different
approach, which is that it is possible to find work that is life-enhancing,
that broadens our horizons and makes us feel more human. … This is a book for
those who are looking for a job that is big enough for their spirit, something
more than a 'day job' whose main function is to pay the bills.
If the expansion of public education was the main event in the story of
career choice in the nineteenth century, in the twentieth it was the growing
number of women who entered the paid workforce. In the US in 1950 around 30 per
cent of women had jobs, but by the end of the century that figure had more than
doubled, a pattern which was repeated throughout the West. This change partly
resulted from the struggle for the vote and the legitimacy gained from doing
factory work in two World Wars. Perhaps more significant was the impact of the
pill. Within just fifteen years of its invention in 1955, over twenty million
women were using oral contraceptives, with more than ten million using the
coil. By gaining more control over their own bodies, women now had greater
scope to pursue their chosen professions without the interruption of unwanted
pregnancy and childbearing. However, this victory for women's liberation has
been accompanied by severe dilemmas for both women and men as they attempt to
find a balance between the demands of family life and their career ambitions.
The way that education can lock us into careers, or at least
substantially direct the route we travel, would not be so problematic if we
were excellent judges of our future interests and characters. But we are not.
When you were 16, or even in your early twenties, how much did you know about
what kind of career would stimulate your mind and offer a meaningful vocation?
Did you even know the range of jobs that were out there? Most of us lack the
experience of life – and of ourselves – to make a wise decision at that age,
even with the help of well-meaning career advisers.
Schopenhauer may have been right that the desire for money is
widespread, but he was wrong on the issue of equating money with happiness.
Overwhelming evidence has emerged in the last two decades that the pursuit of
wealth is an unlikely path to achieving personal wellbeing – the ancient Greek
ideal of eudaimonia or
'the good life.' The lack of any clear positive relationship between rising
income and rising happiness has become one of the most powerful findings in the
modern social sciences. Once our income reaches an amount that covers our basic
needs, further increases add little, if anything, to our levels of life
We can easily find ourselves pursuing a career that society considers
prestigious, but which we are not intrinsically devoted to ourselves – one that
does not fulfill us on a day-to-day basis.
Rather than hoping to create a harmonious union between the pursuit of
money and values, we might have better luck trying to combine values with
talents. This idea comes courtesy of Aristotle, who is attributed with saying,
'Where the needs of the world and your talents cross, there lies your vocation.'
A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his
work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his
education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues
his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to
determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be
doing both.
may be all well very well if you happen to have skills particularly suited to
these jobs, or if you are passionate a niche area of work, and of course there
is also the benefit of feeling pride in being considered an expert. But there
is equally the danger of becoming dissatisfied by the repetition inherent in
many specialist professions. … Moreover, our culture of specialization
conflicts with something most of us intuitively recognize, but which career
advisers are only beginning to understand: we each have multiple selves. … We
have complex, multi-faceted experiences, interests, values and talents, which might
mean that we could also find fulfillment as a web designer, or a community
police officer, or running an organic cafe.
This is a
potentially liberating idea with radical implications. It raises the
possibility that we might discover career fulfillment by escaping the confines
of specialization and cultivating ourselves as wide achievers … allowing the
various petals of our identity to fully unfold.
work, all life goes rotten, but when work is soulless, life stifles and
dies," wrote Albert Camus. Finding work with a soul has become one of the
great aspirations of our age. … We have to realize that a vocation is not
something we find, it's something we grow – and grow into.
It is
common to think of a vocation as a career that you somehow feel you were
"meant to do." I prefer a different definition, one closer to the
historical origins of the concept: a vocation is a career that not only gives
you fulfillment – meaning, flow, freedom – but that also has a definitive goal
or a clear purpose to strive for attached to it, which drives your life and
motivates you to get up in the morning.
Curie was absolutely committed to her career. She lived an almost
monastic lifestyle in her early years in Paris, surviving on nothing but
buttered bread and tea for weeks at a time, which left her anemic and regularly
fainting from hunger. She shunned her growing fame, had no interest in material
comforts, preferring to live in a virtually unfurnished home: status and money
mattered little to her. When a relative offered to buy her a wedding dress, she
insisted that "if you are going to be kind enough to give me one, please
let it be practical and dark so that I can put it on afterwards to go to the
laboratory." Before her death in 1934, aged 67, she summed up her philosophy
of work: "Life is not easy for any of us," she said. "But what
of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We
must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever
cost, must be attained."
Marie Curie
never had [a] miraculous moment of insight, when she knew that she must
dedicate her working life to researching the properties of radioactive
materials. What really occurred was that this goal quietly crept up on her
during years of sustained scientific research. … Her obsession grew in stages,
without any Tannoy announcement from the heavens that issued her a calling.
That's the way it typically happens: although people occasionally have those
explosive epiphanies, more commonly a vocation crystallizes slowly, almost
without us realizing it.
So there
is no great mystery behind it all. If we want a job that is also a vocation, we
should not passively wait around for it to appear out of thin air. Instead we
should take action and endeavor to grow it like Marie curie. How? Simply by
devoting ourselves to work that gives us deep fulfillment through meaning, flow
and freedom. … Over time, a tangible and inspiring goal may quietly germinate,
grow larger, and eventually flower into life.
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